Ok, you have your brains, now it is time to raid!
Today we will be tackling Perth IV so there is a chance for you go get Delinquents (which are otherwise only available if you buy them with coins in a featured pack).
Perth only requires you to be level 9, so you should be able to participate. It does require a lot of points though - 510,000 of them! That's 10,200 each if everyone in the guild participates and 51k each if only 10 people participate. We'll look at raid numbers more in our next boot camp session as it is very helpful to know what you have to aim for in a big raid.
Luckily getting a high number of points is possible for nearly anyone with the NEKO method. Read how to do it here.
I will be around during the raid to lend out explosives to those who want to put the NEKO method into action (I recommend you give it a good go as it is what will get us the points we need for Dubai tier IV).
Reward structure for Perth:
1st - Delinquent and 75 coins
2nd - 4th Delinquent and 25 coins
5th- 10th 2 rare packs and 10 coins
11-16th 1 rare pack and 5 coins
(after 16th - an uncommon pack)
Day Three challenge
Get a minimum of 25k on the raid to pass day three of our boot camp - and more than 50k if you want to be given an additional rare pack. (If it is near the end of the raid and I am not around, take a screenshot or screenshots of the leaderboard for me so I can know who got more than 25K and who got more than 50K of trophies :-)!)
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